Saturday, July 23, 2011


Why do some people, mainly males, find it so damn hard to just talk rather than yell or be rude?!

Why can they not just say how they feel or what they are thinking, instead of bottling and then taking it all out on us when we do something little ..

It's crazy..

I'm no saying I want everyone to be like women and 'talk about our feelings'. But when that moment comes, would it not be easier?!

.. Just sayin' ..

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem -Seize The Day

What will you make of today?!

I so want this tattoo!! Would it not look amazing! I love these two words, 'Carpe Diem'. I live my life by them and do my best to make the most of every day, of every moment of my life.

So I ask again,

What will you make of today?!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Are you one of those writers?

 I wish I was one of those people who are really good at writing .. Those people who can write and write and write .. The ones at school whom would always do the essays and pass .. The people who write for magazines and that write books .. I will never be one of those people, but I do enjoy writing .. I wonder if my life would somehow be easier if I could write .. Write down how I felt .. Write letters to people .. Have people cry and laugh through what I can write down with a pen on paper or using my keyboard. 

 I wrote a story once .. It meant a lot to me and it was a subject which was hard to write about .. I asked one of my friends to read it - Which was a huge deal to me - and he said "It could have been better" .. Or at least, that is what I heard .. I knew the story would never be published, but I thought it was good, I thought he would think 'Wow, you wrote this?! Wow!' .. But instead .. Instead he told me things that I should add to it to make it better .. I suppose he thought he was helping.

 Have you ever had that friend who think they are helping when really they make you want to curl up into a ball and cry?! To be honest, this is most people in my life .. I act so tough and strong, so it makes people think I am tougher than I actually am .. They say things .. Do things .. And they think I can handle it .. In some way .. But really, it upsets me ..

 I realise this may apply to many people in this world, but this is my blog.
 This blog is about me.

Tato xx